Qualio Docs

API Documentation from the Qualio Team


Every GraphQL schema has a root type for both queries and mutations. The query type defines GraphQL operations that retrieve data from the server.


users (UserConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

emailIn [String]

Selects all nodes where email is in given list of String

fullNameIn [String]

Selects all nodes where fullName is in given list of String

inviteStatusIn [UserInviteStatusType!]

Selects all nodes where inviteStatus is in given list of UserInviteStatusType

roleIn [UserRoleType]
activeIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where active equals given Boolean value

inviteTimeAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where inviteTime is after given DateTime (including)

inviteTimeBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where inviteTime is before given DateTime (including)

inviteActedOnAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where inviteActedOnAt is after given DateTime (including)

inviteActedOnAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where inviteActedOnAt is before given DateTime (including)

afterActivation Boolean

If user already processed activation (accepted/declined)

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [CompanyUserSortEnum]
before String
after String
documents (DocumentConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

IDIn [String]

Selects all nodes where code is in given list of String

statusIn [DocumentStatusType!]

Selects all nodes where statusId is in given list of DocumentStatusType

effectiveOnApprovalIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where effectiveOnApproval equals given Boolean value

trainingAvailableIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where trainingAvailable equals given Boolean value

trainingRequiredIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where trainingRequired equals given Boolean value

approvalDateBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where approvalDate is before given DateTime (including)

approvalDateAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where approvalDate is after given DateTime (including)

effectiveDateBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where effectiveDate is before given DateTime (including)

effectiveDateAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where effectiveDate is after given DateTime (including)

reviewBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where reviewDate is before given DateTime (including)

reviewAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where reviewDate is after given DateTime (including)

reviewPeriodIn [Int]

Selects all nodes where reviewPeriodId is in given list of Int

versionIn [String]

Selects all nodes where versionId is in given list of String

createdAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where createdTime is before given DateTime (including)

createdAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where createdTime is after given DateTime (including)

modifiedAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where modifiedTime is before given DateTime (including)

modifiedAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where modifiedTime is after given DateTime (including)

ownerIdIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where ownerId is in given list of ID

authorIdIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where authorId is in given list of ID

tagIn [String]

Selects all nodes where tag name is in given list of names

tagFilter TagFilter

Selects all nodes where tag name matches given filter expresion

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [DocumentSortEnum]
before String
after String
trainings (TrainingTypeConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

completedAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is before given DateTime (including)

completedAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is after given DateTime (including)

isCompleted Boolean

Selects all nodes where actionDone equals given Boolean value

userIdIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where usercompanyId is in given list of ID

documentStatusIn [DocumentStatusType!]

Selects all nodes where statusId is in given list of DocumentStatusType

documentIdIn [String]

Selects all nodes where code is in given list of String

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [DocumentUsergroupUserTrainingSortEnum]
before String
after String
reviews (ReviewTypeConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

completedAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is before given DateTime (including)

completedAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is after given DateTime (including)

isCompleted Boolean

Selects all nodes where actionDone equals given Boolean value

userIdIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where usercompanyId is in given list of ID

documentStatusIn [DocumentStatusType!]

Selects all nodes where statusId is in given list of DocumentStatusType

documentIdIn [String]

Selects all nodes where code is in given list of String

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [DocumentUsergroupUserReviewSortEnum]
before String
after String
approvals (ApprovalTypeConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

completedAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is before given DateTime (including)

completedAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where actionTime is after given DateTime (including)

isCompleted Boolean

Selects all nodes where actionDone equals given Boolean value

userIdIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where usercompanyId is in given list of ID

documentStatusIn [DocumentStatusType!]

Selects all nodes where statusId is in given list of DocumentStatusType

documentIdIn [String]

Selects all nodes where code is in given list of String

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [DocumentUsergroupUserApprovalSortEnum]
before String
after String
tags (TagConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

nameIn [String]

Selects all nodes where name is in given list of String

privateIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where isPrivate equals given Boolean value

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [TagSortEnum]
before String
after String
documentTemplates (DocumentTemplateConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

documentIdPrefixIn [String]

Selects all nodes where documentIdPrefix is in given list of String

effectiveOnApprovalIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where effectiveOnApproval equals given Boolean value

trainingRequiredIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where trainingRequired equals given Boolean value

trainingAvailableIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where trainingAvailable equals given Boolean value

deletedIs Boolean

Selects all nodes where deleted equals given Boolean value

reviewPeriodIn [Int]

Selects all nodes where reviewPeriod is in given list of Int

modifiedAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where modifiedAt is after given DateTime (including)

modifiedAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where modifiedAt is before given DateTime (including)

createdAtAfter DateTime

Selects all nodes where createdAt is after given DateTime (including)

createdAtBefore DateTime

Selects all nodes where createdAt is before given DateTime (including)

allVersions Boolean
first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [DocTemplateSortEnum]
before String
after String
attachments (AttachmentConnection)

Argument Type Description
idIn [ID]

Selects all nodes where id is in a list of given ID

first LimitedInt
last LimitedInt
sort [AttachmentSortEnum]
before String
after String


company (Company)
me (User)
changeControlTemplate (ChangeTemplate)
audits (Fake_Audit_Edges)
Argument Type Description
offset Int
limit Int
node (Node)

The ID of the object

Argument Type Description
id ID!